cezary duchnowski
composer, pianist

Cezary Duchnowski is a composer, pianist, performer and lecturer.
He helped found the Studio of Computer Composition at the Academy of Music, Wrocław. Electroacoustic music has been the focus of his artistic activity for the past few years. This is connected with the need to interfere deeper with the sound matter. Hence the use of the computer, an instrument whose open potential to a large degree helps discover a new aspect of the elementary properties of music which is not burdened with any extra-musical content. Apart from composing a specific time-space, the instruments themselves can be 'composed here. Such a situation allows for an encounter with the essence of music. It makes it possible to shape its point of departure which is at the same time its conditio sine qua non - the sound which is in itself of an individual character. It is the sound which constitutes the indivisible substance of which the musical being consists. The sound is, like Leibnitz's monad, a closed cosmos.
Duo for voice and electronics.
This duo represents the collaboration of two composers: Agata Zubel and Cezary Duchnowski. Both are characterized by a unique approach to music - a fascination with timbre, expansion of performance resources, and a search for new contexts using traditional instruments.

The cycle of electroacoustic chamber pieces. Electroaoustic music is an extraordinary field to penetrate(discover?) basic characters of music. Apart from composing a specific time-space, the instruments themselves can be "composed" here. Such a situation allows for an encounter with the essence of music. It makes it possible to shape time its conditio sine qua non - the sound which is in itself of an individual character. It is the sound which constitutes the indivisible substance of which the musical being consists. The sound is, like Leibnitzs monad, a close cosmos.

The Broadcasts
Compositions for lecturer and computer based on Piotr Jaseks short stories.
The lecturer is actor Eryk Lubos.

Cooperation with Andrzej Bauer - one of most fameus and charismatic polish celists.
- Original compositions for cello and electronics by Cezary Duchnowski,
- Improvisations
- Reinterpretations of old music
- Different composition from Celletronicum project of Andrzej Bauer,

Phonos ek Mechanes
Trio for three computers.
The ensemble was established in 2007 by Cezary Duchnowski, Pawel Hendrich, and Slawomir Kupczak.
The trio plays their music using laptops controlled by acoustic instruments mostly.
Phonos ek Mechanes creates live-electronics - music based on algorithms written in Max/MSP. This is a specific kind of live-electronics - human-electronics, where the music has a shape of human gestures.

El Derwid
The cycle of electroacoustic chamber pieces. Electroaoustic music is an extraordinary field to penetrate(discover?) basic characters of music. Apart from composing a specific time-space, the instruments themselves can be "composed" here. Such a situation allows for an encounter with the essence of music. It makes it possible to shape time its conditio sine qua non - the sound which is in itself of an individual character. It is the sound which constitutes the indivisible substance of which the musical being consists. The sound is, like Leibnitzs monad, a close cosmos.

A modern take on Chopin’s Preludes Op. 28. The musical layer comprises the voice, computers and electronically enhanced traditional instruments – cello, piano and percussion. It is marked by freedom of improvisation as well as interaction between sound and image created live. The authors of the project juxtapose traditional piano interpretations of the cycle with a novel, personal view, creatively using state-of-the-art multimedia technology. The idea of tackling the work is not only about an attempt to give a new sound to it. It is also an attempt to provide a new aesthetic reflection on an established masterpiece. The Chopin’ Around project has many guises; it is evolving and changing its character.

Black Whole
Improvised performance for 3 musicians and video
dur. : 1h00
Commissioned by Ad Libitum Festival - Warsaw 2012
First performance : 11/10/2012 - Warsaw
- Cezary Ducnowski - prepared piano, electronics, video
- Anna Zaradny - voice, saxophone, electronics, video
- Pierre Jodlowski - bass, electronics, video

Photo Score - OTO
Mariusz Wideryński – pictures
Cezary Duchnowski - piano
Szabolcs Esztenyi – piano
Jerzy Kornowicz – piano
Włodek Pawlik - piano

Photo Score - ROMÂNIA MEA
music by Duchnowski/Latecki/Wielecki
pictures: Dumitrescu

Bajki robotów
Bajki robotów (Fables of Robots)
Justyna Skoczek – typewriter, MIDI keyboard, Andrzej Bauer – cello, electric cello, Maciej Frackiewicz – accordion, Rafal Luc – accordion, Leszek Lorent – percussion instruments, Paweł Romanczuk – unconventional instruments, Paweł Hendrich – computer, electric guitar, Cezary Duchnowski – computer, keyboards, Bartłomiej Szlachcic – director of visualizations, 2EDIFICATION (Lukasz Rozmyslowski, Norbert Rosiek) – dubstep dance

Cooperation with Pawel Romanczuk. Original project based on unique hybrid instrument where mechanical part of instrument plays mostly electronic sound and computer set is used as mechanical instrument.

* eSequenza III. The Rest. for voice and computer (2019)
*Przedtakt octophonic tace (2018). Colective composition: Cezary Duchnowski, Rafał
*Wściekłość na głos, instrumenty i elektronikę. (2018)
* Układy względnie odosobnione. Phonos ek Mechanes. Colective composition: Cezary
Duchnowski, Paweł Hendrich, Paweł Romańczuk. (2017)
* cROSSFAdE II for viola and electronics (2017)
* eSequenza II. Starter for clavicembalo and computer (2017)
* The Spring Ball of the Full Moon for ensemble and electronics (2017)
* eSequenza I. Study for next cymbal stroke for cymbal and computer (2016)
• Bajki Robotów co-opera (współkompozycja z Pawłem Hendrichem) (2016)
* Set Symphony for groups of instruments and electronics (2015)
• Drone Music for instruments and electronics (2014)
• music to In Between projects hybrid instruments and voice (2014)
• Parallels for instruments and electronics (2014)
• OTO_piano - Impresje na temat fotografii Mariusza Wideryńskiego
• Kamień - rzeka - rytm na cztery viole da gamba i elektronikę (10.2013)
• i na grupy instrumentów i elektronikę (09.2012)
• Fere Vetus Canticum na głos i akordeon. (05.2012)
* Muzyka Form Przestrzennych na głos, wiolonczelę i elektronikę (2012)
• Koniec Poezji na głos, wiolonczelę elektryczną, orkiestrę i elektronikę (05.2012).
• acc++ca na akordeon i komputer (05.2012). Zamówienie Solti Foundation
• 1 5 1, 2 4 2, 3 3 3 na skrzypce, wiolonczelę i elektronikę (2011) Zamówienie London Sinfonietty
• Crossfade na akordeon, wiolonczelę i elektronikę (2011)
• Stazione Termini muzyka do spektaklu Wrocławskiego Teatru Pantomimi (2010)
• Rzut Kości na trzy komputery (2009)
•Głosy Miasta na orkiestrę symfoniczną chóry i komputer ( prawykonanie - Międzynarodowy Festiwal Wratislavia Cantans 2009)
• Cello_net na oktet wiolonczelowy (prawykonanie - Lwów 2009)
• Sweter. Audycja 3 na lektora i elektronikę - 2008
• Rzeczywistość na rozciągniętych szelkach z okna na 2 fortepiany, smyczki i komputer. 2008
• Ogród Marty opera kameralna na głos _żeński, aktora i i zespół. 2006
• monada 5 na min. 3 muzyków improwizujących i komputer. 2006
• Apoftegmata na taśmę. 2006
• Broda na wiolonczele i komputer 2005
• 10 1, 8 2, 6 3, 4 4 na kwartet smyczkowy z komputerem lub bez 2005
• Brama na orkiestrę symfoniczną i taśmę 2005
• Rzeczywistość na rozciągniętych szelkach z okna na klarnet, puzon, fortepian, wiolonczelę i taśmę 2004
• monada 4 na Barona, Wojtasika i komputer
• monada 3 na głos, fortepian i komputer. 2003
• Meloodia for Arvo Part na cztery głosy męskie i taśmę
• monada 2 na trąbkę, głos i komputer. 2003
• Cel. Audycja 2 na lektora i elektronikę. 2002
• Wyczochraczone na komputer. 2002
• Trawy rozczochrane na głos i komputer. 2002
• Triady na orkiestrę smyczkową i elektronikę. 2002
• monada 1 na akordeon i dwoje skrzypiec. 2001
• Sekwencje. Spektakl audiowizualny (kompozycja zbiorowa). 2001
• Początek. Audycja na lektora i elektronikę. 2001
• Ovinu Malkeinu na taśmę. 2000
• Wernisaż na fotografię, fortepian i taśmę (kompozycja zbiorowa). 1999
• Hypér tes morphés. na taśmę. 1998
• Morphai. Spektakl multimedialny na sopran, saksofon fortepian marimbafon i media elektroniczne z tańcem, performance i video (kompozycja zbiorowa). 1998
• Medianty na kwartet smyczkowy, klawesyn i fortepian. 1998
• Gry. Spektakl audiowizualny na sopran, saksofon fortepian marimbafon i media elektroniczne z udziałem tancerzy i aktora. (kompozycja zbiorowa) 1998
• Krany. Koncert performance na fortepian, sopran z udziałem kwintetu teatru tańca oraz aktora (kompozycja zbiorowa). 1997
• Liryki z motłochu myśli niczyich na chór, trzy soprany, fortepian i klawesyn. 1996
• Chmielowy poemat na sopran, chór aktorów i wielką orkiestrę symfoniczną. 1996
• Impresje Żuławskie na orkiestrę kameralną. 1993

phot. Tomasz Kulak

phot. Łukasz Rajchert from NFM archives


Radziejowice2013 phot. Adam Walanus

Radziejowice2013 phot. Adam Walanus

phot. Tomasz Kulak

phot. Tomasz Kulak

phot. Tomasz Kulak


Kody 2013 phot. WojtekKornet